2021-03-01 19:07:00
Hurmatli Аbonentlar!
Read more2021-03-01 16:51:00
Hurmatli Sirdaryo viloyati abonentlari!
Read more2021-01-26 17:58:00
«Муз ТВ» telekanali vaqtinchalik «MTV» telekanalga o`zgartirildi.
Read more2021-01-19 18:19:00
Проведением плановых профилактических работ на источнике.
Read more2020-11-03 12:00:00
We inform you about the closure of the subscriber department located at the address Tashkent, A. Navoi str., No. 27. You can get advice on any issues or connect to digital television services in the subscriber departments located at: Shakhrisabskaya str. 7 (building of the Main post office ); Oybek str. 30 (clinic "ShokhMed Center") and st. A. Temur 109 A (Yunusabad TV tower.)
Read more2020-10-31 12:00:00
Due to the planned technical work on the devices for the formation of digital TV channels on November 2, 2020, there is a possibility of a temporary deterioration of signal quality in the broadcast of some TV channels from 01:00 to 06:00. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience. Administration of UZDIGITAL TV.
Read more2020-08-29 19:21:00
We inform you that from September 1, 2020, changes will be made to the terms of the Agreement for the provision of paid DTV services in clause 8.2. For acquaintance
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