
State Unitary Enterprise "CRRT"
The Center for Radio Communication, Radio Broadcasting and Television (SUE CRRT) is a state unitary enterprise under the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The main areas of activity are:
- services for the distribution of television and radio broadcasting programs using terrestrial and satellite communication systems;
- services of broadcasting (distribution) of TV and radio programs of the National TV and Radio Company of Uzbekistan and commercial studios of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as services of relaying radio programs of foreign radio stations;
- development of existing and creation of new cable television networks to meet the growing demand of the population of the Republic.
Currently, within the framework of the implementation of the "Concept for the introduction of digital television broadcasting in the Republic of Uzbekistan" SUE CRRT is carrying out a phased implementation of digital television broadcasting in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Aloqabank"
The open joint-stock commercial bank "Aloqabank" was established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 12, 1994 for the purpose of economic growth and financial support of enterprises of the Uzbek Agency for Communications and Informatization, small businesses and private entrepreneurship.
Today the bank is:
- a member of the Association of Banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- a participant in the Uzbek Republican Currency Exchange;
- member of the fund "Guaranteeing Citizens' Deposits in Banks";
- a participant in the Republican Stock Exchange "Toshkent";
- a member of the national payment system;
- a member of the international payment system SWIFT;
- a member of the international payment system VISA.
Joint Stock Company "Uzbektelecom"
Joint-stock company "Uzbektelecom" is the largest telecommunications operator, which covers the entire territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan with its network. Using its telecommunication network, built on the basis of modern technologies, the Company provides various IT services.
- lease of channels to operators and providers of fixed and mobile communications;
- international and long distance communication,
- provides all types of voice and data services,
- access to the Internet,
- video conferencing,
- mobile and fixed communication in the CDMA-450 standard,
- organizes channels for the transmission of television and radio broadcasting programs.
The company is also the largest provider of telecommunications services for government agencies and departments.