The history of development

The history of development
2009 year
Organization of the UZDIGITAL TV company.
The head office of the company is located in the premises of the Central Republican TV Tower.
The provision of services for connecting individuals and legal entities to digital television has begun in Tashkent.
The staff includes 10 people.
2010 year
The number of employees exceeds 20 people.
Opening of branches of the company in Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara regions.
The number of connected subscribers is increasing.
Cooperation with dealers is open.
2011 year
The company employs over 50 people.
The number of subscribers in comparison with the previous year increases 2.5 times.
The company offers a service for placing advertisements on television.
In the first half of the year, a transmitter was launched in the Khorezm region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan, broadcasting digital television.
In the second half of the year, digital television service was launched in Fergana, Andijan, Namangan and Kashkadarya regions.
Commercial launch of HDTV.
2012 year
A new version of the company's website has been launched.
The number of employees exceeds 70 people.
The viewership by September 2012 is 1 million.
Special loyalty campaigns for “Bring a friend” subscribers and discounts for additional connection points have been introduced.
More than 100 partners of the company have been involved, successfully working as authorized dealers.
Several alternative methods of receiving a subscription fee have been put into use (PAYNET, Aloka Bank cash desks, Ipak Yuli Bank cash desks, Uzbekiston Pochtasi post offices, SMS-Tulov, Web-SUM).
2013 year
The “Online Consultant” service was launched on the official website, as well as the registration and use of the “Personal Cabinet” service was improved and simplified.
Special loyalty campaigns for subscribers “Additional point” and “Free reactivation” have been introduced.
An alternative method of accepting a monthly fee through the CLICK mobile banking system has been introduced
Coming into the sale of a new model of equipment supporting HD DVB-T \ T2 standard and additional functions and support for Smart TV technology
Increase in the number of broadcast channels.
2014 year
An alternative method of receiving a subscription fee through the "MOY BANK" system has been launched.
The system of work of the technical support service has been updated, as well as a system for evaluating the work of STP operators has been added.
Activation of the company's services by phone, when purchasing equipment from authorized dealers.
Opening of a new affordable package of TV channels "Economy" for individuals.
Taking part in the preparatory work for the installation and verification of transmitters in the republic.
Start providing services in regional centers such as:
- Samarkand
- Namangan
- Fergana
- Bukhara
- Andijan
- Navoi region.
Conducting a test mode with open access to TV channels and commercial launch of services in these regions. Opening of official sales and customer service offices, where everyone can get competent advice and connect to services.
Launch of a new expanded package of TV channels in the DVB-T2 standard - "Mix T2", in the city of Tashkent and Tashkent region.
Start providing services in regional centers such as:
- Kashkadarya
- Khorezm region, as well as the Republic of Karakalpakstan. After successful test work, the services are available for connection in the official sales and customer service offices in these regions. An additional subscriber department was also opened in the city of Tashkent at the address: st. Navoi 7 for the reception and service of individuals.
A great achievement is the receipt of the international certificate of conformity ISO 9001: 2015. This certificate confirms the high level of quality in the provision of digital television services.
Start providing services in regional centers such as:
- Surkhandarya
- Kokand region.
Launch of a package of TV channels "Mix T2" on the territory of the Samarkand region.
Launch of a budget package of TV channels for regional centers - "Super Economy"
10th anniversary of the company.
Opening of additional sales and customer service offices in Samarkand and Syrdarya regions.
Provision of equipment by installments for individuals
Launch of a package of TV channels "Mix T2" in the territory of Nvavoi and Bukhara regions.
Opening of additional sales offices and customer service in the Surkhandarya region in the city of Denau.
Online connection service launched.
Opening of a sales and customer service office in the city of Angren.